Our milling capactiy allows us to produce the highest accuracy components from 1off samples to many tens of thousands. Our 4 axis multi pallet horizntal machining centre with large tool carosel allows us to run multiple jobs simultaneously making it ideal for ongoing orders and contract work.

Mazak HCN-4000

4 axis horizontal machining centre with 6 pallet loader for high volume, ‘lights out’ production.

60 Tool Magazine

18,000RPM Milling Spindle

6 Pallets for up to 72 workpieces

Maximum workpiece size 500x500x500MM


4 axis vertical machining centre with versatile array of workholding for lower volume, high mix manufacturing.

24 Tool Magazine

8,000RPM Milling Spindle

Selection of vices, chucks, fixtures and 4th axis tombstone

Maximum workpiece size 700x500x500MM