Average customer relationship duration
QC pass check 2024
Components shipped in 2023
Hear what our customers think!
Our approach to turning has always been a ‘done in one’ strategy, reducing inaccuracies and surface imperfections due to excessive part handling. This is reflected in the machinery we have invested in. All our machines are twin spindle with Y axis milling options, this enables parts to be produced quicker, more accurately and with less setup time.
Our approach to turning has always been a ‘done in one’ strategy, reducing inaccuracies and surface imperfections due to excessive part handling. This is reflected in the machinery we have invested in. All our machines are twin spindle with Y axis milling options, this enables parts to be produced quicker, more accurately and with less setup time.
Until Precise Components appears at the engineering supply show
This is our 5 axis
It’s M2
The first HQR
M3 – Ledge!